Instructions in video

You will need a flat Philips screwdriver and something to cut a hose with.

1. Place Ready Bait on the edge of your dock, preferably near a power source, but do not plug it in until the pump is submerged.

2. Let's connect the pump, hose assembly, and filter bag. Place the pump inside the filter bag and tie a knot that is easy for you to untie, as you will need to remove the bag from time to time to clean the bag and pump.

3. The included hose is 16.5 feet long. You may need to cut the hose based on the depth of the water below your dock. Ideally, the pump should be at least a foot below the surface at low tide (for saltwater) and at least a foot off the bottom. Do not let the pump rest on the bottom, as it may draw unwanted sediment and debris. The deeper, the better. To determine the optimal length, lower the pump into the water and hold it near where it will connect to the tank. Mark the hose where it will connect, then cut it at the marked spot using a hose cutter, box cutter, or sharp knife.

4. Next, attach the fitting to the hose using the supplied hardware. Now connect the hose to the tank using the quick-connect fitting and lower the pump into the water.

5. Cut the drain line to your desired length. We recommend positioning it just above the water at high tide.

6. Now you’re ready to plug it into a GFI outlet. That’s all there is to it!